Work Paper proposal for Israel-Gaza conflict resolution by Ariane Brito 

Work Paper proposal for Israel-Gaza conflict resolution by Ariane Brito Analysis,            


In this paper presentation I examine why the Palestine and Gaza people were failed by Arab and Israel nations for six decades under the premises set by me, Ariane Brito Analysis that Palestine should have been relocated to a new location and given a new country land in the Middle East in the same manner that Israel was given its lands back in the middle east after centuries in displacement.

I believe that the New Palestine should be the following land leased for 120 years paid upfront by the United Kingdom to Saudi Arabia and Iran, respectively:

Is my belief that the Islamification of Gaza in the last decades which is materialized mostly in women rights repressession, in Sharia law imposition and domestic violence, is a culmination of lack of access to land and resources and a way to control population behavior and reduce the negative impact of an astronomical number of Palestinians in prisons.

Could be argued that the Islamification of Gaza is a direct result of the westernization of Israel border territories and Palestine living in Israel but that would be ignoring the historical profile of 

the Palestine refugee communities in western countries and how these communities have lived successfully and positively, contrary to in countries like Iraq, Iran, Syria and Jordan where they experienced turbulence, dislocation, lack of access to equal education and job opportunities as their locals.

Palestinian refugees experiences in the Middle East have not been uniform, however, the Hezbollah history in Lebanon of its incipient relationship with Palestinian refugees materialized in  historical and current perpetuation of the subculture of martyrs and homes without fathers, illustrates the fact that the experience has been more negative than positive if analyzed against the intellectual heritage and potential of Palestinians in the fields of  Nuclear Science, Medicine, Mathematics and Engineering.

Rather than say that this is a result of historical displacement and lack of means of the Palestinian refugees in the Middle East, I would say that this is lack of positive concerted effort by the Arab Nations, Israeli government inclusive, to design a futuristic urban national solution to Palestine in the same way that Israeli destitutes and victims of Nazism and past and present anti-semitic persecution in Europe, found and still find, solace, peace and security in Israel.

Race, racism, persecution and oppression are terms that both belligerent parts in this conflict, Israel and Gaza ( Palestine by deference), are familiar with and fully claim to have experience and experience to our days in their daily lives, respectively, Jewish Diaspora and Palestinians working, living and imprisoned in Israel, 

Both belligerent sides have international support and advocacy,

 Both belligerent sides claim nativism to the land,

herders living under full Israeli military control in Area C, is currently a major humanitarian issue. Most at risk are 7,000 Bedouin (60% of whom are children) living in 46 small communities in the Jerusalem Periphery. Donor-funded humanitarian structures (shelters, goat pens, water tanks, schools, solar panels, etc.) continue to be 535 deliberately targeted for demolition and confiscation, and the war crime of forced displacement by Israeli authorities remains a constant threat.” 

Both Belligerent sides have a large diaspora abroad,

Both Belligerent sides have an expansionist territorial need,

Both Belligerent sides have a singular economic,  cultural religious  traits that makes them unwelcome, untrusted and block their relation and integration with the middle east,

Both belligerent parties do not benefit economically from the current state of military surveillance and blockade in the area:

These last two points are perhaps what we should start with to lay down a futuristic plan of action for Gaza ( Palestinr) that will address land and culture.

The Middle East countries should devise a territory to award to Palestine with the following measurements:

6, 220 km2 ( 2,400 sq mi) which presently include the West Bank 5,860 sqm2 and the Gaza strip 360sqm2)

The British Government would compensate the Palestine in the following:

. 120 years lease of the land payment to Middle East countries

. 120 years of payment of Income support to all Palestinians who were made refugees and found dead by starvation and destitution in the Middle East and western countries.

The Israeli Government would compensate the Palestine in the following:

. Sharing science data and bio-engineering work of artificial water, artificial irrigation, agriculture tunnels, artificial rain, 

. Building of all science hubs and industrial complexes in new Palestine.

. Reduction of all sentences of Palestinians in Israel for half the time and transfer to neutral prisons in Saudi Arabia where mega prisons cater for terrorism deradicalisation and families support.

. Change curriculum in schools to include Arabic studies and Anti-Arab racism modules

. Provide transport and construction services and consultancy to what would be called the New Palestine.

I believe that the New Palestine should be the following land leased for 120 years paid upfront by the United Kingdom to Saudi Arabia and Iran, respectively:

This is my proposal, and I will now take questions,

London, 8th of October 2023

Ariane Denise Brito

Ariane Brito Analysis