Latin America and Africa 

Ariane Brito Analysis Blog Podcast March 4 2024

Dear listeners,

Welcome to another podcast by Ariane Brito Analysis Blog.

Today we are discussing global affairs from the point of analysing the cheer trend of Anti Establishment discourse in the media.

We start with how the Media is covering the Israel Palestine conflict.  As promised in my previous podcasts, I will not go into the matter for the question of my safety, so will discuss only the non aligned media coverage in a few statements.

The I-P conflict is being covered in terms of the atrocities committed and how aid, mainly food and water is being distributed to a now largely indigent P population. This is being associated with a Colonial history of destruction of natives infrastructures and denying these same natives with a sustainable access to the land and sea resources.

We have to think about the uncompromising historical heritage of colonial models of historical analysis and enlighten our listeners to think about how such models have been used by people like  Ben Laden to mobilise international groups to fight against and destroy symbols of colonial oppression and economical exploitation such as the World Bank and the IMF. Furthermore, how military institutions such as the Pentagon, were targeted specifically for being the armed arms of such international oppression.

These channels of media are now diffusing at large scale mediated imagery that reinforces and reinstates such Beliefs without proposing anything else in exchange for the mental and spiritual overtaking of such mentality in our, especially our youth minds.

Protests is the least, Tik Tok trends is the least of the least, but the rhetoric that traditional concepts of Estate and international relations are the real problem, is what we have to look at in today’s podcast, because this might truly be, the basis for any materialisation of a form of terrorism which we are not yet equipped to fully understand, and that is the economic terrorism that I suspect is a model already applied in Africa and Latin America, to not only destabilise these countries western values from a western state model perspective, but also to substitute the main country economy based in IMF monetary policies, with a side economy where everything is unaccounted, especially what goes out of the country.

When publishing the magazine Afghanistan UK Bridge magazine, I covered how millions of pounds of natural resources and cultural artefacts were ending up in China and India and then disappearing into the abyss.  This economy is not something taxable and is not something that will meet the Afghanistan state coffins, likewise the listed stolen artefacts from Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan I listed in the same magazine.

We have then to ask how can we combat this international cancer that makes its way into Latin America and African countries with trade that imbalances the countries further into compromising situations, puts them at fault with IMF and other international financial obligations and then push them to concede resources such as shell oil, while sharing the spoils with terrorists who then take over the human trafficking, the natural resources and expand their communities in with shops not meant for the natives pockets?

In Honduras there are two African descendant tribes, and seven native tribes. In Venezuela since 2018 the Native tribes are leaving Venezuela in mass because of hunger and starvation led desperation and desolation. 

In Africa equally, tribes are reportedly still feeling oppressed and denied access to their resources because of a western construct of State. 

However, what is State when such institution signs a deal of trade with a country such as India and China and next moment is further destabilised, the money goes further missing, the IMF blocks such and such expenditure, such and such payment to teachers and nurses, and the country loses more youth and work power to illegal migration that take the shape of human trafficking into the unknown?

Before we proceed, is it a Stateless country or a lawless country like Somalia, Sudan or Haiti?

No, because then we will have the criminal and terrorist gangs ruling the country with terror and forbidding locals to even sell fruits that they see in the trees. 

The alarming fact that these groups are not bombed in the same measure as Hamas is bombed in Gaza, takes us to the point of when is the African Union taking accountability for its own duty of protection of populations against bandits and terrorists irrespective of the country they live in?

The way distribution of wealth is still uneven in South Africa, Kenya, Botswana, Angola etc, makes the African population look an even equal mass irrespective of Religion, in the same way as the way the ethnic distribution in the population crossing illegally the border Mexico-US makes the Latin America population look and even equal mass.

That is not right and is not for the benefit of Latin America and Africa as a whole.

The key to unlocking a powerful State that can retain and execute successful models of State, relies ultimately in developing the military to the benefit of the population.

So now more than ever, instead of looking at situations such as Israel-Palestine from a negative point of view in terms of what concerns the military state, we have to look at African countries and Latin American countries as lacking the adequate military structure to impose respect and incorporate the impoverished populations in the mass production of armament and in military training and national identity programming that will allow a State to raise to the standard of a disciplined military state like Israel where people in diaspora and people in borders, respond to the same calling of honour and duty and respect for its borders and its people safety.

If African countries and Latin American countries don’t shift gears in terms of their economy models and progress from a failed Inflation Management state to a full efficient Military oriented machinery where citizenship, national identity and military power walk hand by hand to secure control and management of national resources, they will fall into a deeper abyss where the State does not support, the State does not solve anyone’s problems and the State does not provide means of subsistence and employment to the population irrespective of tribe or ethnicity.

Fallacies of models such as the historical model of analysis of Colonialism and the historical model of analysis of social economic classes, e.g. middle and lower income classes, do not answer the problem of having a State that is seen more of a problem to the population, as is an irresponsible, unaccountable State that does not have the resources, does not have the will, does not have the care, does not have the accountability to provide growth and sustainability to the population.

A State that is seen as a Low IQ problem because in Latin America and Africa there is no shortage of green fields, no shortage of jungles, no shortage of seas, no shortage of population. What is lacking is strong positive militarised States that pursue full employment of the male population and Social State protection to vulnerable women and children.

And here lies why and how Third World economies are deliberately targeting Latin AMerican and African countries economies to their benefit and to the detriment of local populations, and here lies why and how then mass international migration is used as a pawn by these international terrorists destabilising any efforts by the IMF to counteract coup de etat’s and trade deals that deliberately act against plans of raising these Latin and African countries economies to Second world economies.

You might say war is bad, but I tell you what is bad is those deals being signed under the counter by African and Latin countries exchanging armament for oil shell exploitation rights, because African and Latin American countries have the potential, human and geographical potential to develop their armament production and create and independent economy that exchanges only in terms of power and national resources based on full integration of the population in the production of armament and the use of armament to exercise power to secure borders and international trade between themselves at the same level of inflation and coin power which they are now.

That is why, Ariane Brito Analysis Blog recommends that African and Latin American countries establish a three phased project of hegemony of State development and international security that will lay,

By excluding trade and fiscal obligations of each regional bloc members to the IMF and to other Third world countries with exploitation rights in their individual countries, African and Latin American countries take three steps forward to building a pre-colonial successful economy that resembles the Maya, Inca and Timbuktu civilisation of economic supremacists based in military control of its people and borders by way of control of its military production and resources exploitation.

Three steps forward to Freedom from terrorism.

Thank you for listening.

Ariane Brito Analysis Blog, A British Blog making a positive difference in the World

London, 4th of March 2024